We absolutely love working with families, so to be able to work with these families was wonderful! We planned everything through Stephanie from location, to clothing, to times and were so excited to work with her own immediate Serge family as well as her original family (the Yerglers) about a week ago!
Steph & Chris have two sweet little girls who were pretty funny to work with. Their family reminded both of us of our families: We both only have one sibling of the same gender who is close in age just as Steph is with her sister Missy. (Having a constant buddy/ partner-in-crime as a kid is pretty fun!) The girls took a little bit to warm up to us in the quick Session (as with most kids who are staring down the barrels of large camera lenses being wielded by strangers), but by the end they were throwing leaves and giggling on their parents' shoulders!
Chris was a great sport after having only found out about the Session just prior to it and we enjoyed chatting with him about California a bit! (We also absolutely loved the green pants he wore that were similar to his daughter Vivian's!)
Right after the Session with the Serge family, we photographed Steph and her original Yergler family. Steph (and her daughters) joined with her sister Missy (and her baby daughter) and their mom Pattie! These 6 young women of 3 generations did a terrific job and were pretty easy going for their Session!
We even caught the youngest of the group smiling a bit as they hung out in the beautiful fall woods!
Did we mention that Jenny has known Steph, Missy, & Pattie for the majority of her life? Pattie & Jenny's mom are friends and Jenny did some activities with the girls when she was in preschool! It was so beautiful to see their daughters at ages nearly as young as she was when she and her sister met Steph & Missy themselves-! All-in-all the experience was wonderful and we are so excited to share these beautiful photos of the Yergler family and what is now 2 more families of Serges & Lombardos! Thank you all so much for working with us. We really enjoyed your company and we hope you love the photos!
Up on our Weekly Wednesday blog post next Wednesday (9th) is Sarah & Josh's Engagement Session! it's a mixture of dance, outdoor fun, and a crazy amazing Photoshopped photo of them in a magical land! Be on the lookout for the amazing Teaser today and get ready for their fun Session next Wednesday! (With Patty's Family Mini Session following that on Nov. 16th!) P.S. Happy Halloween Week from our family to yours-!