4 months ago we set off to Italy to travel for a week before photographing the Destination Wedding of American/ German couple Kyla & Walt! These two were wed on Thursday October 10th, 2019 and we had to also capture a wedding at a resort in Indiana on Saturday October 12th, so we planned for some solo travel with just the two of us in Italy from Wednesday October 2nd through Tuesday October 8th! This was Jason’s first time abroad in Europe, so we didn’t want to squander the opportunity to travel a bit (that portion on our own tab) and in the end we got to visit a whopping at least 8 cities in our a little over a week in! We got to end the trip photographing the insanely BEAUTIFUL wedding of Kyla & Walt and NONE of it would have happened or would have been possible without their gorgeous destination wedding-!
A bit of a backstory: Jenny and Kyla started their MFA in Fine Art Photography together back in September 2012 (7 years prior). Jenny continued on for the 3 years while Kyla snatched up an amazing opportunity to work, live, and travel abroad contracting in Quatar! Her work contracting started off with her as a base photographer, then over the years moved her to Germany for another contracting position. Over that time she and Walt met since they were both American contractors living & working in Germany and the rest is history! These two got engaged in Italy in 2018 and decided that they wanted to have a destination wedding in Italy in 2019, so they reached out to us! We first captured their Engagement Session on their short trip to the U.S. (to Kyla’s home state of Missouri) at the start of 2019 in the most frigid of temperatures (though it looked like fall!) and these two were a blast together! We loved getting to know Walt more that night and had an amazing time at dinner with these two (on their week in working remotely and Kyla searching Missouri for her wedding dress/ visiting with family)! Here’s a flashback blog post to their insanely gorgeous St. Louis, Missouri Engagement Session last January: https://www.jennyandjasonphoto.com/blog/kyla-and-walt-st-louis-engagement-session-missouri-germany-italy-wedding
Anywho, upon them choosing their Thursday October 10th, 2019 wedding date, we did some research, then more research on flights, then up and started booking AirBnBs. We first booked an Urbino, Italy AirBnB for a few days since we knew we’d want to re-visit the city Jenny had studied in and lived in her apartment in back in college in 2006 a whopping 13 years prior (and we wanted to see some of her friends there!), then looked more seriously at flights. They’d invited us and we almost came to Europe a few days earlier to visit Kyla & Walt the first weekend of Oktoberfest in Stuttgart, Germany, but since they were having family fly in and would be working that week leading up to it, we didn’t want to overwhelm them and make the flights confusing, so we opted for only Italy this round of travel.
Arriving in Pisa… then La Spezia, Italy!
We lucked out and the flights happened to be booked through “Gatwick Connects” which is an important detail that SAVED US for our return flights. Anywho, still very sick with the common cold and armed with medicine we left late night at 8 p.m. on September 30th to head to Chicago to catch our 10 p.m. flight out to London, then Italy. Jenny’s parents watched our pets and we landed safely in Italy around 6 p.m. Tuesday night October 1st in Pisa. We got our rental car and drove an hour straight up to La Spezia, Italy on the Lingurian Sea. That night we had an AirBnB in La Spezia not realizing that the woman didn’t read our ETA and almost cancelled on us (and would have about 10 minutes later)! After some intimidating Italian (she didn’t speak English), she softened up and showed us the 4 keys for the awesome apartment. We got our bags in and headed right out to get some late night dinner: Fresh PIZZA!
We opted not to drive and instead walk which we later regretted as it seemed like the 20 minute walk was mostly along a sort of highway… lol. The pizzas were amazing though and we enjoyed a Peach Tea & Italian beer while taking in the night sky outside! We also remembered that one AirBnB owner had asked us to bring a post card of our city to them, so we’d gone to our local airport and purchased 4- one for each AirBnB host- and quickly put one on the fridge for our first host the 1st night.
After the scary walk home along with highway, we watched the new Shane Dawson/ Jeffree Star start to their series on YouTube and fell asleep to the rumbles of a thunderstorm. The thunderstorm was the loudest we’ve ever heard- and we live in the Midwest- and it shook the seaside heaving stone buildings to their core as it awoke us suddenly in the middle of the night! We were still sick, so Jenny was coughing as she tried to get back to sleep, reached for her glass of water, and shattered the entire glass all over the tile floor! We frantically cleaned it all up, then went back in for our last few hours of sleep.
Italy Day 1: Cinque Terre, then Urbino, Italy!
On our first full day in Italy we woke up on Wednesday October 2nd in La Spezia. We made coffee, ate the breakfast treats our host had wonderfully left for us the day before, cleaned up the AirBnB, then left. We went straight to our rental car and Jenny drove us up to Cinque Terre about 50 minutes up on the Lingurian Sea!
The drive was insanely winding, so it was a slow go. Most of the cities we happened upon in Cinque Terre could not be driven in to with a car (cars not allowed in their small cliff cities), so we took in the sights and headed to Monterosso (since they allow cars and have great foods)!
Jenny had been there to Monterosso once on a train ride in from Urbino with friends (and had camped at Campeggio La Sfinge in the fanciest camping ever- linoleum floors, full beds, and amazingly fluffy bedding). She remembered that muscles and gnocchi were amazing there as gnocchi had been invented there, so after taking photos, we walked into the city from the parking lot and had an amazing meal at an outdoor cafe! (We enjoyed lobster gnocchi, muscles, and breaded sardines along with our olive oil-ed baguette and bubble water!) It was a great first day and we were in no real rush.
Once finished with lunch in Monterosso del Mare we then got in the rental car again and drove straight to Urbino. We opted to not take the highway roundabout route through Bologna, opting instead for the southern/ middle route more closely going around Florence and through the mountains of Tuscany! On the way we saw LITERAL marble white mountains- the Carrara Mountains! We hope to stop off there sometime! Unfortunately also on our drive we realized that what Jason had thought was a Low Alert for windshield wiper fluid was really an ALERT for low “AdBlue.” This meant that if the car ran out of this odd liquid that it’d literally either lurch to a STOP on the highway or just not turn on (WONDERFUL)! We found that we could make it the entire drive without finding “AdBlue,” but that we’d need it immediately in Urbino.
Once in to Urbino that night, we parked the rental car in a more permanent paid lot touching the walls of the city and immediately found Jenny’s friend of 13 years: Cheryl! We met her husband of 6 years and they went with us as we went into our 2 story AirBnB! We had the place for 3 days and 4 nights, so we threw our things in and went straight to dinner with these two! They took us right nearby to their buddy’s restaurant where Jenny had actually been a couple times during college and we all enjoyed some amazing pizza & conversation (as well as laughed at the disaster of almost getting locked out of the first AirBnB, running out of “AdBlue,” and Jenny breaking a glass in the middle of the night during a thunderstorm while sick!)! At the end of the night that Wednesday we agreed that we’d all catch dinner again and hang out again the next night, so we double cheek kissed & parted.
Italy Days 2-5: Urbino, Italy!
On our 2nd day in Italy we woke up and enjoyed the view out of our 2nd story private balcony We headed out on that rainy Thursday and grabbed some groceries from Jenny’s old grocery store in the town (which changed dramatically/ no longer has a deli counter) to enjoy for breakfast & lunch.
Jenny pointed out old stores to Jason, walked him around the city, and we got some souvenirs at the new college store since the original had closed, there’d been nothing for more than 10 years, then a new university store opened! She got a hand drawn picture of the city by a local artist, leather bracelet hand-stamped in front of us with “Urbino,” and got a hat & t-shirt from the college store with her old university name on them! We also got small souvenirs for our immediate families and knew we’d get some more in Florence (Firenze), Pisa, & Siena.
We also made it to the museum in Urbino! Jenny had barely gone through it before, so it was nice for us to at a leisurely pace go through the ancient museum building.
We also went to visit Jenny’s old school room door-! It’s still a functioning university and since it was a weekday, the door was opened for her to go look through! We also checked out the tiny Lego-like cars inside the city walls which we quite enjoyed.
(Above: Here’s Jason for scale between buildings in the city and in front of a tiny car with a dog driving it). The city is a walled-in Renaissance city and is GORGEOUS! Jason absolutely loved the city even without Jenny’s bias!
That night Cheryl & her husband Gia picked us up and took us out to dinner in the countryside! I believe we were in a different city at that point, but during the drive we saw a wild boar, coyote, and more! The dinner that night was great at their other friend’s restaurant and we enjoyed many different types of pasta and meats! There we discovered our new favorite pasta unique to that specific city: Passatelli! The pasta is comprised mostly of cheese (parmesan of course), then eggs, nutmeg, and a bit of lemon zest. It’s AMAZING-! We also enjoyed and partook in some fries with mayo & ketchup- our and Gia’s favorite! We also made friends with the sweet, sweet restaurant dog that was walking around inside and made sure to take a photo of him before we left!
Friday (still Urbino)
We were still a little sick on Friday, but decided to go get coffee at the spot next door where Jenny and her classmates all met after their few hours of daily weekday classes. After that we decided to make a trek out of the city walls to the grocery store that Gia works at. We made an extremely wrong turn on what should have been a short few block walk and ended up heading down a mountain hill by foot. We figured that our phones were wrong with the GPS, but before we could correct ourselves, a couple heading to class picked us up in their car and drove us ALL the way down the hill and to a science college. We thanked them, got out, and were LOST. We called Cheryl, she laughed at us, and told us to head back toward the hill to see if we could find a bus stop in a field. We luckily DID and caught the LAST bus of the evening/ week!!! We made it back up the hill for a few Euro (lol) and she told us to just wait and Giacomo would snatch us up on his way to work. it turned out that the grocery was VERY close and he brought us right to it! We finally got to look around for a few things friends from the United States had asked for, got them those things, grabbed some more groceries for ourselves, and went on our way thanking Gia profusely.
The image on the right below is actually a view from our private balcony at the AirBnB! We loved having 2 floors and actually slept in the room attached to this cool balcony, but the bathroom and kitchen were on the first floor next to those 2 empty bedrooms and dining room. .
We loved getting to hang out with Jenny’s friend Cheryl & her husband 3 days in a row! It was great getting to meet their 4 cats as well and getting to drive out to them in the countryside (and again get lost lol).
That evening we headed up to the Fortessa (the fort at the top of the city) and looked out over the skyline of the city. It was still just as gorgeous as it was over 14 years ago-!
Saturday (still Urbino)
On Saturday we were a bit late, but met Cheryl to head up to the Farmer’s Market in the city! It was up near the Fortessa, but Jenny had never been because she traveled out to other cities most Saturdays while in college or was too tired to get up for it. We found the most amazing deals: A $5 vintage jacket for Jason, a $5 pair of sunnies for Jenny, AMAZING pink moscato grapes, tons of cheap/ ripe figs, more veggies (tasty tiny peppers), AND amazing porcetta meat that Cheryl’s favorite vendor had smoked for 24 hours! The foods were absolutely amazing and so cheap! They paired with the amazingly cheap prociutto that we picked up everywhere were making our foodie hearts so happy!
((Below: A comparison of a popular online Meme and a Painting we saw at the Museum- Jenny knew she’d seen that odd pose before! Middle: The university shop close to the souvenir shops & her university hat that she got there! Below Left: A Renaissance band during the Vegetarian Festival & the image next to that: the funniest magnets we saw as souvenirs at a shop (we of course got the top left).
After the Farmer’s Market, Cheryl headed home and we headed to a Vegetarian Festival (Bio Fest) that was happening in the town square that weekend! We found some fruits we liked, tasty free samples, some vegan yogurt, got Cheryl & GIa some tasty vegan milks for their morning coffee, and that was that! We got some final items for tiny souvenirs and were content. We realized suddenly though that our rental car still had no AdBlue and went on a trek on foot around the city frantically to find some! We couldn’t find any and started to panic. Cheryl came to the rescue realizing that nothing would be opened on Sunday (and that we needed to leave after 11 a.m. on Sunday) and that places were about to close. None of us really knew what to look for, but Cheryl FOUND AND BOUGHT it for us-!!!!!!!! We repaid her as she handed us the MASSIVE gallons large container. We went down to the rental car and filled another tank with the AdBlue and wiped our hands of it (keeping the receipt so that the rental car place would repay us)!
That night Cheryl took us to the grocery, then her home and cooked us a wonderful meal! We enjoyed BBQ, played with the cats, and talked the sad state of American politics. We laughed through the night and at the end sadly had to bid them farewell :(
Italy Day 5: Urbino to Florence (Firenze)!
Waking up the last morning in Urbino was bittersweet. We’d slept in, but didn’t mind. Our rental car was full of AdBlue, so we packed everything up, cleaned the AirBnB, and checked out of the parking lot. We never made it to see the new underground mall in Urbino (though we’d walked by it the night before looking for AdBlue), so we were bummed about that, but ready to see Florence! The drive to Florence was only 3 hours, so Jenny drove us there while we ate fresh figs, peppers, prociutto, and more! Sadly enough this is when the entire screen of Jason’s camera got cracked (under the pressure of the massive grocery bag), so we were pretty sad when we figured that out on the drive. Luckily Jason’s camera has two screens to view images, so we were ok for the upcoming 3 weddings.
Upon arriving in Florence we were already stressed about Jason’s camera and became more stressed trying to find a place to park for free by our AirBnB (and also because our AirBnB host was MIA). We waited until we finally found a tiny slot for our Fiat and Jenny did a literal 20-point turn to parallel park on the street. We waited for our AirBnB host and he finally arrived! It was only around noon, so after dropping our bags in, locking our bedroom door, and throwing some food in the fridge, we headed out into Florence! We were a short 15 minute walk to the city center, so we immediately taking in the sights. We photographed some of the monuments and churches, but quickly realized that it was the most crowded place we’ve literally ever been. There were thousands of tourists everywhere which far surpassed the numbers when Jenny had been there 13 years prior!
Above: The outdoor patio area at our AirBnB in Florence. Below bottom right: Boar statue for good luck in Florence surrounded by tourists.
We decided to buy a small bag to check our new liquid foods in for our 2 return flights and haggled for a deal on a rolling bag. We hadn’t found any bags elsewhere, so we knew we needed it. We also found an old school film Photobooth! We waited our turn as kids used it, then hopped in ourselves! We had a blast and loved the black-and-white textured old photo paper, but quickly found that the machine was a bit broken and went on to slowly capture 3 more rolls! The machine looked like it turned off, then finally printed all of our images! It’s our favorite photo booth EVER!
After that Jason accidentally locked Jenny’s professional camera into the new luggage, but luckily after some bickering from both of us, Jenny was able to sort of break the lock and get her camera out! It was a frustrating day to say the least: A semi broken camera for Jason and an almost completely locked away camera for Jenny. We almost didn’t have dinner as we weren’t in the mood, but then Jenny Googled and found a french fry place! We trekked there only to finally be in good spirits again-! The fries came in a HUGE cone (more fries than we’ve ever eaten) and we were able to choose our own sauces…. and got melted cheese bites too-! One of Jenny’s sauces also tasted JUST like Cane’s sauce, so we were thrilled! We headed back to the AirBnB MUCH happier.
Italy Day 6: Florence (Firenze) to Pisa!
We awoke in Florence at our AirBnB and immediately packed up. We also went out and enjoyed their beautiful backyard garden and the fresh air. Today’s drive was only a little over an hour to Pisa, so we were happy that we wouldn’t have to be in the car long! We weren’t thrilled to find out that our AirBnB in Pisa was literally just a room with a sink (though we did also have a separate bathroom) and had no kitchen or fridge (or access to the living room with the view of the Leaning Tower) OR that our host was a female and sexist (thinking that Jason drove the car because MEN drive when Jenny had driven the entire 11 hours so far… and then mumbled “well, I guess the world is changing when she found out), but we WERE happy to be just an 8 minute walk from the Leaning Tower! We were also thrilled that we were given a map of the free parking spots 10 minutes away because we had NO desire to keep our rental car in the $5 an hour parking lot for 24 hours.
Once we moved the rental car to 10 minutes away, we went to the grocery store touching the parking lot-! We love to learn about new foods and try everything, so we were thrilled to find a Melon Cream Liquor that Jenny grabbed to have one taste of on New Year’s Eve that was coming up in a few months from then. She hadn’t drank for a year and wasn’t drinking on the trip, but relatives tried it on New Year’s Eve at dinner (as did she) and we all RAVED about how amazing it is-! It literally tastes like melon.
Anywho, after grabbing up some feta and other snacks (others of which wouldn’t have to be put in a fridge) we ate lunch at a desk in the AirBnB room and then headed over to check out the Leaning Tower at sunset! This was the only big city on the trip that Jenny had not already been to 13 years ago, so it was her first time seeing it too-! We of course had a good time playing around with photography there and were relieved that the crowds were nothing like Florence tourist levels.
Jason the leaning tower: front version & back.
After enjoying sunset we grabbed some small souvenirs for our families (that it turns out we can’t get more of unless we go back to Italy!) and went back to our room. We made food for ourselves, took showers, and enjoyed watching our Netflix shows on the tv in the room (the first tv we’d had in a week!).
Italy Day 7: Pisa to Hot Springs, then villa catignano (Castelnuovo/ siena)!
We checked out of our bedroom in Pisa then headed to natural Hot Springs that we’d originally heard about the week prior at our rental car place at the Pisa Airport! We drove 2 hours & 40 minutes and went to Bagni San Filippo with not too many expectations, but it was neater than we’d thought it’d be! We had to drive about an hour past our Villa to get there, but since we couldn’t check into the Villa until much later at 4 p.m., we decided that this was the best way to spend our time: Relaxing in a nature hot tub! We had to pay a few bucks for street parking, then it was a quick trek down a trail to the free natural sulfer hot springs! We knew that check-in for the wedding Villa was later that afternoon, but we were excited to sit in some warm water in nature and clear our sinuses from previously being sick on the trip! It was very cool. Neither of us had ever been in natural hot springs (though we could have when we lived in Santa Barbara from 2012 to mid-2015) and we loved it. It was exactly what we needed after a frustrating day in Florence.
The warmest, most relaxing part of the trip! We recovered from our colds, endured a few rainy days in Italy, and deserved a good free soak in warm nature.
Once we finished up at the hot springs, we got back into the rental car & headed the one hour to the villa in Castelnuovo near Siena! We hugged the bride & groom when we got in, got checked in to our room, photographed the guests enjoying a little cocktail hour pre-dinner, and then scouted out the Villa’s property! It was a gorgeous sunset that evening and we were so happy to be at our last lodging where we’d spend 3 nights-! The wedding party headed off to a fancy restaurant in-between Siena & Florence and we of course went to scope out the local grocery store. We were very close to many, so we made sure to get there before their closing time. We found really crazy pasta sauces (walnut, crazy pestos, & more) and decided that we’d take those with us to the U.S. in the new checked bag we got in Florence. We made dinner that night in our room’s kitchen and headed to bed.
Italy Day 8: Siena!
Since Siena was only 18 minutes from us and it was Wednesday, we headed out trying to make it to the weekly Wednesday Farmer’s Market in Siena! We got stuck driving in circles around the city walls trying to find parking since we were late and absolutely failed at that for so long that we missed the Farmer’s Market. We found a spot FINALLY and decided to just trek around Siena. Jenny showed Jason the main area in the middle of the city, we checked out a little market, got Jenny’s mom and us some green & REAL Extra Virgin Olive Oil (the brand that her Italian friend recommended), and grabbed some gelato.
After shopping around Siena we headed back to the villa and chatted with the Wedding Planner’s workers. We all agreed on a schedule and we went around with Walt & Kyla figuring out rooms in which to photograph them getting ready. That night we sat outside with Walt & Kyla helping them figure out songs for the wedding and a few other details with their friends getting to know some of the wedding friends and family!
Italy Day 9: Photographing The Wedding!
Waking up the morning we got ready to photograph Kyla & Walt’s wedding for the next 10 hours-! We photographed a bit around the property, then headed to each of them respectively for preparation photos. We think that the entire day was absolutely beautiful narrowly missing rain! ((Woo the luck of all of our couples literally ALL of 2019 with couples’ wedding days ALL suddenly calling for rain, then lucking out ALL year long!)) To re-live their gorgeous big day, check it out here: https://www.jennyandjasonphoto.com/blog/kyla-walt-villa-catignano-wedding-siena-italy-wedding-teasers-italy-destination-wedding-german
Day 10: Back to Pisa for our Flights home (35 hours of travel hell due to Pisa airport)
We woke up very early to pack our rental car the next day and headed to Pisa and found the cutest Extra Virgin Olive Oil and pasta as wedding gifts by our door! We re-gifted the pasta since we had no room in our bags, but did put the tiny bottle of travel olive oil in our checked bag with the other liquids. It was an an hour & a half drive to the airport that morning and our flight out was scheduled for 11 a.m. their time. We returned the rental car, got $20 back for the AdBlue we filled up the car with (with Cheryl in Urbino that week), and waited for our EasyJet flight number to show up. Unfortunately at some point through security Jenny’s fossil ring that her mom got her for her birthday just ONE month prior must have shattered because as we sat at our gate waiting to find out why there was a delay in our flight, she looked down to see an empty silver ring.
The rest of the travel 35 hours was a hell nightmare. What was supposed to be one flight to London, then one flight to Chicago became……. 2 hours delayed flight in Pisa because they wouldn’t let us on the runway to go onto our plane (rather had to wait out there for a golf cart-like tram… that was TWO HOURS LATE). In the United States we walk to our planes, but in Italy I guess they let you miss all of your flights and ALMOST miss photographing a wedding a day & a half later-! We got to London obviously AFTER our final flight left…. and we began running all around the Gatwick airport in search of this mystical spot that people were supposed to FOR FREE reschedule our flights NO MATTER WHAT. Guess what…? The booth was closed for meetings and the next booth SCREAMED at us countless times that they wouldn’t help. They said that there were no more flights after 3:30 p.m. that day and that we couldn’t leave until 2 days later. This simply was NOT a possibility. We had a wedding to capture ni 30 hours and NOTHING was going to keep us from that.
Needless to say, we’re HELLA lucky that we randomly were covered by a type of insurance of that airport called Gatwick Connects. The flights had apparently been booked through them on Google and they covered LITERALLY at least $5,000 worth of last minute (literally) flights for us. We took the LITERAL only flight to the United States, but we first had to get to the OTHER London airport in the rain to get an immediate flight right then. They paid for a driver for us and sent us to the OTHER London airport and even covered the checked bag we’d already paid for. From there, we DID luckily catch the flight (which was also delayed 40 minutes), but sadly had to sit far apart on the plane in the last 2 seats. We each watched great movies and were treated amazingly well with full meals, teas, free drinks, comfortable wide seats, and more-! THANK YOU LAWD for Virgin Airlines being run by Delta!
When we landed in NYC we were at JFK and had to somehow make it to New Jersey for our next flight! It was midnight on a Friday night in NYC and NO public transport was running-! We literally RAN and chased down a Super Shuttle who charged us $50 to drive us into NYC/ Times Square, but apparently was not allowed over state lines and had to find us an Uber. He literally ran out of the Super Shuttle (RIP Super Shuttle as of 3 months later) and asked about 4 different drivers to take us (paid of course). This was Jason’s first time in New York, Times, Square, NYC, and the whole nine yards, so it was hilariously insane.
Our driver found an Uber, we paid the guy $50, and we drove for another 40 minutes out of NYC and to the Newark Airport. Times were insane. Ramps were oddly closed (luckily no traffic) as we accidentally hit a speed bump in the Uber and caught a lot of air crashing to the ground. After that adventure we got to the airport before it opened around 2 a.m. and had a few hours to DOWNLOAD AND BACK UP the ENTIRE ITALY WEDDING onto our hard drives from our memory cards, charge ALL 10 of our camera batteries, clear our memory cards, and be ready for the wedding that day that we had to photograph in Indiana. We actually managed to do almost all of that and finished backing up the rest of the photos while at our gate, on the plane, and in Jenny’s parents’ car. Oh, did we forget to mention that we had to call her parents that night and beg them to pick us up 2 hours away…? Because our Friday afternoon rental car had obviously been cancelled since we’d instead be getting in Saturday morning? Yep.
Once through to our gate in New Jersey it was cool that they had desks at the gate AND stores that you could buy things from before workers even got there! Our next flight we luckily got to sit next to each other the entire way to Chicago! We watched shows together and somehow had an immense amount of leg room again-!
Upon landing in Chicago it was 7 a.m. their time/ 8 a.m. ours and we ran out to Jenny’s parents and Jenny started to cry a bit. We got in their car and headed the 2 hours to our house. When home we had an HOUR and a half to shower, get wedding dressed, make sure our cameras were ready to go, grab light stands, pack the car, and GO to photograph the next wedding: A resort wedding an HOUR away for 8 hours. We wanted to go an hour early to scout out the outdoor locations for portraits and we did JUST THAT. We worked our asses off all day still very much caring a lot about the couple, then collapsed into a pool of exhaustion at the end. Afterward Jenny’s sight was blurry and she almost fell asleep in the passenger’s seat. THANK YOU to their DJ for being so caring and kind after we told him what had happened. He kept us GOING!
If you’d like any tips on how to blend travel & fun side trips with work, check out: https://www.pixpa.com/blog/travel-photography-tips
Anywho… unrelated/ semi related: Coming up next Weekly Wednesday we’ll be sharing our Styled Shoot that we captured for the physical magazine Wedding Day Magazine! We had 12 photos in their physical December issue a month ago, so we plan on curating our favorite images from that and sharing that here on the blog with you NEXT Wednesday! We’ll catch you then! We have Wedding Consultations in our office tomorrow, 10 more Wedding Boxes to stain, 5 clients we’re waiting on in order to design albums and prints for, and a Valentine’s Day to plan with each other…. oh, and 85 plants to keep alive along with our puppy & 2 other fur children. Whew!