Hey, all! Sorry for leaving you high and dry with a lack of Weekly Wednesday blog post last week! We haven't missed a Wednesday blog post in around 50-something weeks, but we have a great excuse. Last Wednesday we were driving around from visiting Jason's grandparents in California that morning, to visiting his mom a half hour away for 4 hours, straight to a Portrait Session hours away in Malibu, then off to visit Jason's siblings (and meet their new pup!) a half hour away after that 2 hour Portrait Session-! We did think we might put this Engagement Session up last week, but we did not bring our computers with us while traveling and amidst travel all over California between work and family visits that day we definitely didn't make it to any computer!
The Session we're sharing this week is near and dear to us. This Session is Jenny's only sibling's Engagement Session! As with most of our couples we're making their Save the Dates, so naturally we had to get home this weekend from The West (Arizona & California) and continue working on the photos that we took of them out in Arizona so that they can send out their cards that we're designing!
Where do we start on these two, though...? Jill is Jenny's sister (a theme apparently of Jason's and Jenny's parents was to stick with "J" for first names of their kids- Jason's twin being "Josh"). She has been with her fiance Adam for around 3 years and like us they met because of school- theirs being an Occupational Therapy master's program in Arizona. Adam is pretty laid back, but sarcastic and Jill is high energy, but also sarcastic. They recently adopted a new dog- our new nephew- who we got to meet about a week ago in Arizona and who is even included in their Engagement Session!
These two make a great team. They keep each other in check and work hard at their careers. We know that we love working in the same career as each other, so we're sure that they love working in the same career and bouncing ideas and experience off each other at the end of the day. We can't wait for their wedding in August that will take place here in Indiana and we will even be providing them with the staging area in our studio for the Bridesmaids to get dressed with hair and makeup! Without further adieu, here are our favorite images from their Engagement Session!
We hope you've enjoyed checking out their Engagement Session as much as we did capturing it! (Well... minus the part with the cactus needles in Jason's shoe & hand... not as enjoyable. Everything in the Arizona desert wants to kill you including scorpions, snakes, javelinas, etc.) We can't wait to design the Save the Dates and those of you close to the couple will be receiving these cards ASAP! We hope to see you at the wedding later this year!
Next week we have another great Session to share from out West followed by another Session the following week from out West on February 1st! We can't wait to share these Sessions with you as well. They include some of our favorite Family Portraits to date AND a very empowering 30th Birthday Portrait Session of a very independent wonderful woman! (Who says that you have to be pregnant or engaged to purchase an awesome Portrait Session...? SURELY not us! We hope we get to do more of these awesome individual Portrait Sessions of both women and men-!! #TreatYoSelf #LoveYourself #ValentinesDayGiftToYouOrALovedOne? ) Thank you so much for checking the blog out this week and we hope to catch you next for even more awesome photos from the West to brighten up what may be the rainiest Midwest winter of our lives!