
Physical Albums & Wedding Boxes by Jenny and Jason Photography!

Since we did this first last February (‘19), we figured we’d again go ahead and share some photos of physical photography products- the ones that we actually remembered to/ had time to photograph professionally before shipping off or delivering these items off to our clients! Last year we showcased a beautiful blog post about these albums here: , but we haven’t had time in the past year to really photograph most of the products we’ve been sending out (a record year of clients), so keep your standards lower for this year’s, please. Most of these are albums and wedding boxes that we created for our couples over the past year/ this winter! We worked literally 7 days a week most of November and ALL of December on these items! This week we’ve designed ONE last 2019 physical Wedding Album layout for our couple in Germany (the ones whose wedding we photographed at the villa in Siena, Italy) since we’d been waiting on final photo choices from them AND in the next we’ll be finishing up a large Wedding Print Credit for our couple down in Tennessee (once we see that they’ve made their choices)-!

Before we move on to March in a few days, we wanted to share just some of these gorgeous finished physical wedding photo products with you-! We love being a Full Service Studio that caters to the need for high quality physical products because we get to hear about how our couples and families frame their massive prints on their walls, love our framing jobs, hang their canvases in their brand new homes (in their new cities/ states), show their new little babies/ children their physical wedding album, and share their gorgeous Wedding Box, album, and more with family members during the holidays-! We also get folks ordering prints, albums, canvases, etc. large and small from all across the country and world (many of whom we don’t actually know since they were friend or family members who attended the weddings/ massive Portrait Sessions). It’s always fun to see these orders roll in and try to guess which family member or friend of the bride or groom these lovely folks are as we print, package, and ship these gorgeous items to them! Without further adieu though, here are some of our favorite items that we’ve created for our couples that we haven’t yet shared online/ actually remembered to photograph!

Sorry if we over showcased the turquoise velvet albums. They’re a new style that we now offer in a plethora of colors (someone please order a dark maroon velvet!) and we are super proud of the wedding album AND the parent album that we designed. The cover has a new sort of screenprinted feature wherein we actually took a real hand drawn design from our artist, tweaked it, and perfectly placed it around the couples’ names and wedding date. Hammering down the perfect fonts for photo covers is already always hard enough, but getting the two fonts to align with the design we tweaked and placed around the wording was a satisfying but difficult task.

Anywho, below we’ve also included some little details around our Consultation Office that we’ve had for almost 4 years as well as some photos of some 2020 Wedding Boxes that we already stained and engraved in 2019 (as this winter we’ve been working on staining & engraving more 2020 and 2021 wedding boxes!)

Like we said, we only have two 2019 couples’ items to ship off to them in Germany & Tennessee, but we have the majority of the products that we already finished up for them this December all packed up and ready to go for them (once the last items are chosen by them so that we can finish up & print the final items)-! These first two months of 2020 haven’t slowed down for us much photo product work-wise or even personally. Personally we have had our little 6 month old puppy since she was 2 months old (4 months ago), we traveled to our immediate families on the one annual trip to them for 2 full weeks last month (traveling by plane & car something like 40+ hours out there while visiting our family members in 10 cities in Arizona & California), & have been planning to visit Jenny’s sister for her Baby Shower & our next niece or nephew’s birth-!

Work-wise, we started the year off editing and delivering 3 Christmas week Portrait Session Proofing Galleries to 3 massive families, have been printing for them, shipped off the next to final 2019 client products, have been meeting with more 2021 and 2020 couples from Ohio, Chicago, Indiana, & Boston for Wedding Consultations in our Consultation Office & Skype, have been putting together wedding schedules for our 2020 couples, have been making Wedding Invitations & Save the Dates for some of our couples, and have been making and sending out new Wedding & Portrait Session contracts to our new couples (& families)! In March we desperately need to update the photos on our website from this past year & a half’s worth of weddings/ engagements/ Family Portraits/ Newborn Sessions/ headshots/ etc., upload photos (instead of the weekly videos) to our Instagram page for the first time in 8 months, AND finish up products for 5 clients, then that will conclude 2019’s products… and our website & Instagram will hopefully be up-to-date-!! The photography “Low Season” will conclude at the end of March, then we’ll get going on our photography for our clients ramping up in Spring at the start of Wedding Season!

Thank you so much to our amazing clients for a RECORD wedding year and for choosing your products so quickly at the end of 2019-! I believe we finished up 15 Wedding Boxes of literally thousands of printed photos in JUST the 31 days of December alone(!) Check back next week for our next Weekly Wednesday blog post about Portrait Session Tips & Tricks (something we haven’t gone into detail about in a whopping 4 years).