
Bee & Jordan's 2+ Year Wedding Anniversary! (Last 2020 Wedding)

This Weekly Wednesday we’re coming at you with a very special recent 2 Year Wedding Anniversary Session. You may remember Bee & Jordan the high school sweethearts (who went to Jenny’s high school alma mater) from us initially meeting with them over 4+ years ago back in August 2018. They hired us back then, so in July 2019 we photographed their Engagement Session for them AND eventually captured their Mini Legal Wedding during the Pandemic in 2020 (a little after their initial planned big wedding at The Conservatory & The Brick). Back during their Engagement Session we used most of the same locations that we did for this special 2 Year Wedding Anniversary Portrait Session, so it felt very intense being back there with these two over 3 years after initially photographing them literally right there there for their Engagement Session ( ). Back when we photographed their Engagement Session in the summer of 2019 they were in the summer just a couple months prior to their Senior Year of College-! They had big plans to both graduate from different colleges, have us photograph their big May 2020 wedding at the beautiful tropical plant-filled Conservatory with their reception at The Brick, and then move to Delaware… and then the Pandemic happened.

In Spring 2020 as we all scrambled to figured out up from down, we kept checking in with these two in 2020 as we did with all of our couples. We tried to help everyone stay calm but wise and we fully stand by Bee & Jordan’s great decision to downsize to an intimate outdoor ceremony for their with just a handful of friends/ family (after they both had partaken in separate remote online computer college graduation ceremonies). We chatted with them and they moved their legal ceremony (for us to still photograph) from May 2020 to June 13th, 2020 outside a relative’s home. Their new plan was to graduate in online ceremonies, have their mini legal wedding & mini reception outside at a relative’s home, MOVE to Delaware, and then have their big formal wedding celebration in the summer of 2021. These two both graduated college remotely, re-scheduled their mini wedding, we captured it ( ), these two moved to Delaware, Jordan started his Master’s program, Bee freelanced and created art/ curated, and we were ready to go for their 2021 big wedding… until a winter of more Covid-19 outbreaks across the country. Due to the outbreaks and exhaustion from the unknown of when life would be “safe” again, Bee & Jordan decided in the winter/ beginning of 2021 to call it and cancel their big wedding set to take place here in South Bend, Indiana. We chatted with them (having already photographed their Engagement Session & legal wedding) and these two decided to have all of their hundreds of wedding prints & products made by us based on the photographs from their mini 2020 wedding. We also planned in advance to capture an hours-long 2 Year Wedding Anniversary Portrait Session in the Summer of 2022 since these two cancelled their big 2020 turned big 2021 wedding celebration and we still wanted them to get another reason to celebrate.

All of this to say Bee & Jordan have been married for TWO YEARS-!! These two graduated college remotely at the start of the Pandemic, had a mini wedding that they moved from May to June 2020 (June 13th, 2020!), AND moved to Delaware during a very stressful early Pandemic 2020 Summer right after their mini outdoor wedding/ reception-! They’ve lived in a couple places so far in Delaware, they adopted their cat Fraidy, they’ve put up with even more than most of us who graduated/ had a long relationship (what with a literal Pandemic/ recession/ crazy election), and they are still as patient and loving toward everyone around them as they’ve always been (I’m not tearing up… you’re tearing up!). These two have beaten the odds and are in our books some TOUGH, wonderful humans. Now let’s stop talking & let’s start enjoying this lovely couple’s 2 Year Wedding Anniversary Session from this month-!

Bee & Jordan chose to have their Session in a couple of the spots that we captured them at for their Engagement Session over 3 years ago. They had us capture this Session it a couple months after their actual 2 Year Wedding Anniversary since they had to drive in from Delaware with their cat Fraidy. After having captured them in some of these spots 3+ years ago, things felt extremely different, yet comfortable and somehow the same in some ways. Love has a funny way of helping us and making us feel like at the core some things never change, huh?

Where the water once swelled during their Engagement Session 3 years ago, these two hopped down onto the dry portion of the river bed during low tide and together drew a heart with their wedding date in the sand. Seeing these two in that heart really warmed our hearts further on the hot summer day <3

So much has changed since we first chatted with these two 4 years ago in August 2018. There were changes in venues, changes in wedding dates, a Pandemic, a crazy election, their remote college graduations, their move to Delaware on the east coast, their adoption of their cat Fraidy, etc., but seeing these two smile and laugh together reminded us that all you need is love.

Through the trials and tribulations of the crazy past 2+ years of marriage, these two have truly encapsulated what “For Better or For Worse” in a marriage really means.

Getting to meet Jordan & Bee’s fur child was an added bonus/ highlight of their 2+ Year Wedding Anniversary for us-! We decided that this would be best at their actual mini wedding ceremony (& reception) location of outside Bee’s grandma’s house. Seeing these two stand holding their fur child exactly where they said their vows together/ exchanged rings/ were pronounced “Married” by Bee’s sibling was nothing short of beautiful.

In addition to those special locations that we repeated from their 3 year ago Engagement Session & 2 year ago wedding, we also took these two back to their old high school hangout spot where they had their first kiss-! It was a beautiful little moment for these two to share on this little trip in from Delaware and we’re so thankful that we were there to capture it.

Since there’s extreme construction at the colorful lit art installations where we’d last ended their Engagement Session 3 years ago, we decided to instead include one of their favorite rooftop high school spots AND some scenes of them downtown.

(If it weren’t for the random men who also made their way up onto the rooftop, it would have been nice & intimate up there as well).

We were so thrilled to get to capture Bee & Jordan for their 2 Year Wedding Anniversary this August-! We were able to capture these two in the only day both we & they overlapped on availability and we’re so thrilled that we got to be with them as they re-lived some of their love story past, present, and future-! Thank you two for introducing us to your fur child Fraidy, including your wedding ceremony location in your Anniversary Session, and for putting up with us as we took you around for hours on end-!

((As a little homage to you two & getting to meet and capture your love over the past 4 years, we wanted to throw in some special collages of then/ now here at the end too. Enjoy-!!))