
GDS Law Group Environmental Portraits Session

    This week we drove a few hours down to Anderson, Indiana to photograph the amazing law firm that is The GDS Law Group, LLP. This city is a bit Northeast of Indianapolis and is about a 6 hour round-trip for us (i.e. not a drive we often do in one day for photography). For those of you that check on our blog from time to time you may recognize Nick and Bob from one of our summer weddings.  If you feel like taking a look back about 7 months in time to when we photographed Nick and his wife Sara tied the knot, you can see that blog post here:
Sara & Nick's Indiana Lake Fall Wedding!

    Without further adieu, here are some of the portraits that we captured for their website:

     GDS Law Group is currently in the process of having a fancy new website built for them and was in need of updated images of the current team.  We also worked in a few environmental type images to place around the website as well.  Having worked with Nick and Bob back on Nick's wedding day working with and directing them for some shots was a breeze.  The day down in Anderson was filled with fun and surprises, so it was a good, funny time amidst setting up lights and basically a full-on studio with 3 separate lights, our two cameras clicking away, and reflectors directed at them in their offices!  On site at the law firm was their website designer who helped let us know what additional photos they'd like us to set up, stage, and capture for certain parts of the website. We took individual portraits of the 3 lawyers and their legal team, portraits of the lawyers "working," and various other environmental photographs. 

     Nick's wife Sara is an actress (they actually met while they were in law school on the East Coast) and was actually starring in a play whose debut performance was that night and we were tempted to stay to watch it into the evening, but we had to get back to our 3 pets- one of whom was just diagnosed with aggressive cancer (with no option of surgery) and who could pass anytime in the upcoming weeks (and our dog needed to do her business outside for sure). We hope the debut performance of the play went well though and we know that she performed fantastically!

     This week we've got a few big days of shooting planned as well as an Engagement Session, two additional couple albums to edit a bit more and then print (we've been making a lot more non-wedding albums for clients lately), and then an upcoming wedding to photograph for Eileen and Dustin in a little over a week at the Morris Estate just over the border in Niles, Michigan! Keep an eye out for the next couple of weeks since we've got some big stuff coming. Thanks for taking the time to read this blog and we'll see you next Weekly Wednesday!