Our 2016 was extremely hectic and we're so thankful for that! On the work front we had an absolute blast with our around 20 couples throughout the year! We also had the privilege of working on Portrait Sessions with so many great families, Seniors, pets, infants, and other businesses on portraits that will last a lifetime and we couldn't be more thankful for their patronage! We made a serious move for our business and as of almost half a year ago have a full editing office, consultation office complete with all of our exciting Print Products (albums, canvases, etc!), and fine art studio! It's been great to use the studio when it's been cold out and we couldn't be happier with where we're heading! For having run our wedding photography business for over 7 years from 4 different states (California, Ohio, Michigan, & Indiana) throughout moves in our 20s, it's exciting to now be settled down more permanently in my 30s and have a dedicated office to meet clients in to show them our products and their images while laughing with them! We're so happy that we rebranded in the fall of 2015!
Though we're now settled down, it's wonderful still working with clients from various states nationwide whether we travel to them or they travel to us. This year we've worked with many clients from Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan and other clients this year have come in from California on many occasions, Texas, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Arizona, etc! It's such an honor to be able to help people from around the country and we've definitely had a blast packaging and sending print products off to everyone this year! We're so excited to work with our plethora of other couples on their weddings in 2017 and are ecstatic about booking up 2017 so quickly in early 2016! We're thrilled that we've even been chatting with some couples this year about their 2018 weddings and cannot wait to work with even more wonderful clients!
On a personal level we've also had a ton going on! We immediately started 2016 with a new 8 year old rescue cat and a trip at the end of January to attend Jenny's friend of 15 years' wedding out in California which we rolled into a trip to see a handful of other friends as well! We also spend our first full year back in the Midwest since we moved back 16 months ago from California. (It's been oddly easy to adjust to the area considering Jenny hadn't lived in Indiana for 11 years and Jason had never lived in the Midwest!) This year we were lucky enough to have had 9 loved ones visit from various states and we even adopted another rescue pet- a large dog- 4 months ago. It's been chaos attending dog training for 2 months while Jenny volunteered to coach elementary school volleyball for months, but we're ending the year on a calmer note as these activities have finished up.
We've really been enjoying our new house and little family here in Indiana. We're lucky to have 4 sets of couples as close friends in the area, but though excited for them we're sad to see 2 of those married couples move out of state! We often miss our friends & family in California, Ohio, Arizona & throughout the world, so we know that 2017 will also include more travels when possible! Next week we actually visit our immediate families for the Holidays out West and cannot wait to see them and our best friends while also photographing a good handful of Sessions in a couple states (and attending an International Fine Art Photography Expo) in L.A.)! We're also extremely excited about Jenny's sister's wedding now coming up in 2017! We both only have 1 sibling and since Jason's got married two & a half years ago, we're excited to get to ATTEND another wedding amidst a season where we're always working weddings as photographers! (Though we can't promise we won't snap a professional photo here & there during her wedding-!)
Though many have complained that 2016 has been "the worst" year due to the political scene and celebrities'/ musicians' untimely deaths, we hope you've been able to stop and appreciate the amazing things this year has brought into your life! We ourselves have a new home, new offices, new pets, a wonderful business, new kind neighbors, great best friends (no matter where in the world they live!), supportive family, and amazing clients to be thankful for, so we definitely think it's been one of the best years yet! Keep your head up and keep that tunnel vision on your priorities. Your career, immediate family, your health, etc. should be shining stars in your life that keep you moving calmly forward onto bigger and better things year by year!
We wish you progress, intelligence, education, kindness, and justice in 2017. Don't let the negative things bring you down and keep fighting for the things you believe deeply in! And remember: Life is what you make of it.